Author: Andrew Collado

What Are The Different Types Of Invoices?

An invoice is an accounting document proving a purchase or sale of goods or services. For it to be one, the term invoice must always appear on the document. There are several types of invoices (ordinary invoice, pro-forma, correction / cancellation, deposit, balance, closing…).

What are the main types of invoices that can be encountered?

Ordinary invoice

An invoice is a document comprising a certain number of mandatory information (date of issue, continuous chronological numbering, identity of the buyer, seller, description of the product or service, applicable VAT rate, total amount to be paid excluding VAT and TTC…).

Down payment and balance invoices

The deposit invoice secures the supplier and commits the customer. A deposit is a part of the total amount of an order, paid in advance by the customer, often to validate it. Usually, the deposit requested is 30% of the total amount. The balance invoice is the invoice issued after payment of the deposit, or at the end of the service. Total amount – deposit amount = balance amount.

Proforma invoice

A pro-forma invoice is a provisional document in the form of an invoice. It mentions the prices and general conditions of sale and is sent for informational purposes. It has no legal or accounting value, unlike a quote or an invoice.

Cancellation / correction invoice or credit note

If there is an error on an invoice (amount problem, VAT for example), or if an invoice must be canceled following an unpaid, a refund has been made: it is not possible to modify or delete a bill. You must create a cancellation / correction invoice, also called a credit note .

Adjustment and closing invoices

The regularization and closing invoices concern energy suppliers (gas, electricity). The regularization invoice is generally established following the reading of a meter index or for the upgrading of consumption exceeding the provisions on charge. The closing invoice ends a consumption period and a contract.

What Impact Does The Physical Have On Professional Life?

Most recruiters completely analyze the physique of candidates: height, weight, figure, hairstyle, dress, facial features… This is one of the main grounds for discrimination in hiring . This judgment of appearance persists even during the career and has consequences.

Beauty or ugliness: what is more beneficial at work?

After two studies carried out in 1967 by Albert Mehrabian, professor of psychology in the United States, the 3 V rule (or 7% -38% -55% rule) was established in 1971. This shows that: 7 % of communication is verbal, 38% is vocal and 55% is visual. What we say is less important than our voice, our face, our way of being. The nonverbal communication therefore should not be overlooked.

The overweight people are perceived as less effective, dynamic and intelligent. People with a rather ungrateful physique are considered asocial, less competent. However, a study by two American researchers has been published in the Journal of Business and Psychology and shows that being ugly can be beneficial. They have followed the journey of 20,000 people, from their teenage years to 30 years old. Certain qualities such as altruism, benevolence, intelligence would be more significant in defining the amount of remuneration. Employees with difficult physique would be more motivated and invested in their work. They indicated that people with less attractive physique are more likely to earn more than their better-looking colleagues. However, other studies show the exact opposite.

First, people with a good appearance are considered more intelligent, competent, sociable, ambitious, warm… In addition, a study by the Observatory of Discrimination shows that with identical CVs, the candidacy of a man of Standard appearance has twice as many positive responses as that of a man with an unsightly physique. Subconsciously, recruiters make their decision based on the appearance of candidates, even if they claim to be based on objective criteria. Beauty is therefore an asset when recruiting.

In addition, according to other studies, having a good physique also allows for better remuneration. The 2011 “Beauty Pays” study by Daniel Hamermesh indicates that in the United States, working people (men or women) considered to be the most physically attractive earn better their living (160,000 euros more on average) during their career than their colleagues whose physique is unremarkable.

In addition, according to another American study called “Beauty, productivity and discrimination: lawyers’looks and lucre”, the most attractive lawyers are those who achieve the best turnover and start their own business. The others remain salaried and do not have as good an income.